Ten Minute (or less) Posts

A Link for Everywhere

A Link for Everywhere

News Flash - some of your readers don't live in the United States and buy all their books from Amazon.com. Forgive the sarcasm, but even if your books are exclusive to the big Zon, you shouldn't expect your non-US readers to have to work out how to navigate from a...

Your ten minutes

Your ten minutes

Right, so you’ve stacked your habits, eaten your cues and are now sitting/standing at your desk/on your couch, fingers poised over your keyboard/around your pen. You get the picture. What matters is that you write not what you write. It’s all about the habit. Just as...

The 28 Day Challenge: Preparation #2

The 28 Day Challenge: Preparation #2

Habit Stacking In the early days, the greatest danger is simply forgetting. Once it becomes a habit, this is much less likely, but in order to get there, you have to build up a streak of consecutive days. And you can't even blame the procrastination demon if you...

The 28 Day Challenge: Preparation #1

The 28 Day Challenge: Preparation #1

Making it Easy The easier you make it to start your routine (the writing itself) the more likely it is you’ll maintain your streak and establish a solid habit. Take this morning as an example. As I write this, it’s a Saturday in late March just after the UK has closed...

The Streak

The Streak

Most of us have become familiar with the old enemy: the procrastination demon. It sits on our shoulder, whispering in our ear, doing all in its power to prevent us from moving towards our goals. "You don't have time for this." "Shouldn't you be [insert chore here]?"...

Mini Habits

Mini Habits

In the last days of 2012, Stephen Guise found himself contemplating his lack of fitness, as many of us do at the turn of the year. For the previous decade, he’d tried various exercise regimens and failed with every single one. I can relate to this, and I suspect you...



Tap the button to listen to this article It’s easy to imagine in the early days of a writing career, that words are a strictly rationed commodity, as if they’re drawn from a well that will one day dry up. This is because writing is hard, especially at the beginning....

The Writer

The Writer

Habits form our identity, not the other way around. A smoker doesn’t smoke because they’re a smoker; they’re a smoker because they smoke. In other words, do it to be it. This simple truth, which is covered at length in Atomic Habits, is nevertheless profound. A...

Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself

I know myself well enough to know that if I give myself any excuses, I'll fall prey to my procrastination demon and the words simply won't get done. So, as a rule (ie 99% of the time), I stick to my wordcount target on a working day, and push through until it's done....

Smart or Simple?

I've bored my wife rigid this week. To cut a long story short (because I don't want to bore you, too), I'd decided to scratch an itch that had been bothering me for some time. I've been using an email marketing service called Mailerlite for over two years and have,...