Welcome to the From Writer to Author series. I’m Kev Partner, and I’ve been writing for forty years. Good grief, that makes me feel old! When I was fourteen or fifteen my uncle gave me an Imperial 66 typewriter. It was so heavy, I could barely lift it,...
Sign up for a FREE 7 day email course on building an author career. Unsubscribe any time (but you won’t want to). Kev Partner First Name Email HP There’s a cardboard box in my loft containing fragments of stories I wrote in the 1990s on my Amstrad PCW...
News Flash – some of your readers don’t live in the United States and buy all their books from Amazon.com. Forgive the sarcasm, but even if your books are exclusive to the big Zon, you shouldn’t expect your non-US readers to have to work out how to...
This book is written for two main audiences. The first is the new author. For example, this might be a writer working on, or planning, their debut novel. I hope this book will help writers at this early stage to begin as they mean to go on, with an...
January 19th, 2017 was the day that changed my writing life. On that day, I made the commitment to write for at least ten minutes every single day. And, as of this writing, I haven’t broken the chain once. Because of that promise, and the fact that I honoured...